Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Network: Developing Robust Models Against Evasion Technique

Geeta Sandeep Nadella, Hari Gonaygunta, Karthik Meduri, Snehal Satish


In the fast-paced field of machine learning, it is important to build agile models that can correctly classify data in the face of enemy attacks. This paper explores the field of adversarial attacks on deep neural networks (DNNs) and explores ways to increase their flexibility models against theft techniques. Using tensor flow and care packages, we created a DNN model using a well-studied MNIST dataset. The model's architecture consists of sequential layers: dropouts-layers to reduce over-fitting, dense dense-layers through active rule for feature extraction, and a flat layer for preparing input data. Our model performed surprisingly well after careful training and evaluation, with a test accuracy of 97.82%. Notably, this model demonstrates resilience to common malware attacks, highlighting its effectiveness in practical applications. This work complements the growing body of literature on anti-machine learning and highlights how important it is to build robust models to improve security and dependencies in machine learning applications.

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