Automated Disease Classification in Dermatology: Leveraging Deep Learning for Skin Disorder Recognition

Balaram Yadav Kasula


Skin disorders pose a significant challenge in healthcare, necessitating accurate and timely diagnosis for effective treatment. Leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning techniques, this study presents an automated disease classification system for dermatology. Our research focuses on the development and implementation of a deep learning model capable of recognizing and classifying various skin disorders using image-based data. Through the utilization of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and a comprehensive dataset comprising diverse skin conditions, our model demonstrates promising results in accurate disease identification. The system's performance was evaluated on a dataset containing images of common skin diseases, showcasing robustness and high accuracy in classification. Keywords: Dermatology, Skin Disorders, Disease Classification, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Image-based Diagnosis.

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