Exploring the Intersection of Fog Computing and Responsible AI Governance: A Bibliometric Analysis
The existing research lacks comprehensive frameworks and methodologies personalized to the exclusive challenges of fog-adding, such as resource constraints and data privacy concerns. This research training grants a complete bibliometric study of the integration of Responsible AI Governance (RAG) principles within the domain of fog computing. Leveraging data from 800 academic articles sourced from prominent files such as IEEE-Xplore, ACM Digital-Library, Elsevier, and others, the research employs the VOSviewer tool to analyze publication trends, citation patterns, and keyword co-occurrence. The analysis uncovers significant research trends, influential contributors, and key thematic areas at the intersection of fog computing and RAG. Key findings highlight the growing emphasis on ethical considerations such as transparency, fairness, Accountability, and privacy in fog computing. The study also identifies critical research gaps in adaptive RAG models tailored for resource-constrained fog environments, the potential of federated learning for privacy-preserving RAG integration, and hybrid approaches combining RAG with edge AI. These visions offer a foundation for upcoming study directions to address the challenges of applying responsible AI in decentralized fog-calculating environments.
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