LiFi- Transmission of data through light
While we are connected to the internet these days, the speed of the internet is determined by the signal strength as seen in 2G, 3G, and 4G. The speed is increasing, as is the technology that is being used. For example, 2G provides 64 kbps and is based on GSM, whereas 3G provides 144 kbps to 2MBPS, whereas 4G, which is based on LTE technology, gives 100 MBPS to 1 GBPS. The aim of wireless communication is to provide high-quality, reliable communication. The LiFi is a disruptive technology stands for “light fidelity” that has the capability of reaching a speed of upto 224 Gbps at the same time ensuring security as nobody outside the room can hack into the data being transmitted. LiFi utilizes LEDs which makes it extremely power efficient. The LiFi lamp utilizes a microwave technology that directly delivers high-frequency power to a light-emitting plasma without the need for electrodes. This technology basically uses binary numbers to transmit data as the light turns ON and OFF and has the capability to tap into a field that will be worth 113 billion dollars by 2022. In hospitals where radio waves can’t be used due to harmful effects on body, visible light can be used for wireless communication. In airplanes where radio waves can affect the equipment li-fi can be used without any distortion. In the depth of water where radio waves can’t travel more visible light communication can be more beneficial. So li-fi has higher advantages than other wireless technologies and can be seen as a future technology.
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