Emerging Trends and Challenges in Cybersecurity: A Systematic Literature Review
Cyber-security has become a crucial issue for consumers, businesses, and authorities because of the growing incidences and complexity of cyber crimes. This systematic literature review delivers a comprehensive analysis of the cybersecurity scenario reported in 2022, including emerging trends plus challenges with technological advancements. This research has extracted the 1,000 articles data from reputable databases, counting IEEE 173 papers and ACM 40 papers, Springer-Link 142 papers, Elsevier 74 papers, MDPI 86 papers, and 431 papers are being used for analysis. The study identifies significant cybersecurity extortions, ransomware of data cracks, and phishing spasms. It examines technological advancements similar to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and Blockchain. The analysis reveals that AI and ML have significantly enhanced hazard recognition and reaction competencies to examine enormous data sets and identify patterns in which blockchain technology has improved data integrity and resilience against attacks. These advancements in challenges persist to the growing wildlife of dangers plus the critical role of human error. The review underlines that their progressive technologies compromise likely clarifications, presenting novel liabilities and difficulties. Future research should focus on integrating emerging technologies in cybersecurity strategies and developing vigorous methods to address determined human-related vulnerabilities and familiarize with the developing threat scene.
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