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a, Arman (India)
a, Harsh (India)
Aggarwal, Anant, ([email protected]) Research Scientist, Threws, Delhi, India (India)
Aggarwal, Kishan (India)
aggarwal, Sartak
alag, ram
Anderson, Dr. William
Arvind, Kumar
avtar, Ram (India)
Bhatia, Sahil, Research Intern The Research World, New Delhi, India (India)
Boppiniti, Sai Teja
Chang, Liu, Professor China
Chang, Y, Professor China
Chen, Prof. Kim
Chopra, Gaurav (India)
Chopra, Gaurav
Chopra, Ramesh
Davuluri, Manaswini
Deekshith, Alladi
Dhamodharan, Balaji
1 - 25 of 149 Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >>
Impact Factor :
JCR Impact Factor: 5.9 (2020)
JCR Impact Factor: 6.1 (2021)
JCR Impact Factor: 6.7 (2022)
JCR Impact Factor: 7.6 (2023)
JCR Impact Factor: 8.6 (2024)
JCR Impact Factor: Under Evaluation (2025)
A Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed Journal