Decision support system for outreach health

priya prakasj


On the Android open platform, we created a mobile-based decision support framework and proved the potential of constructing a comprehensive end-to-end system for large-scale deployment to outreach health workers. The decision support system enables the outreach health worker to provide consistent and high-quality primary care to the rural population. The same website may offer other revenue-generating options for outreach workers, keeping them engaged and providing them with a source of income.


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Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Machine Learning for Sustainable Development

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Impact Factor : 

JCR Impact Factor: 5.9 (2020)

JCR Impact Factor: 6.1 (2021)

JCR Impact Factor: 6.7 (2022)

JCR Impact Factor: 7.6 (2023)

JCR Impact Factor: 8.6 (2024)

JCR Impact Factor: Under Evaluation (2025)

A Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed Journal