Safety of Infrastructures: Risk Management Public Health Policy

Ramesh Chopra


This study examines the role of relevant digital monitoring utilities in terms of environmental impact assessment, sustainable development, safe health tourism infrastructure building, and public health protection from landfill gas emissions in the post COVID — 19 age. To minimise toxic hazardous concentrations at waste sites, helpful analysis is taken into consideration based on useful digital imaging utilities mixed with hydraulics analysis. In this work, safe biodegradation designs and appropriate monitoring methods for public health protection and effective economic designs are provided. Within helpful digital transformation utilities and management strategies for monitoring landfill emissions and preserving public health, integrated health policy is offered. The results are useful for the safety of specific community health tourism units, safe sports physical activities for everybody, and long-term tourist infrastructures.


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Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Machine Learning for Sustainable Development

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Impact Factor : 

JCR Impact Factor: 5.9 (2020)

JCR Impact Factor: 6.1 (2021)

JCR Impact Factor: 6.7 (2022)

JCR Impact Factor: 7.6 (2023)

JCR Impact Factor: 8.6 (2024)

JCR Impact Factor: Under Evaluation (2025)

A Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed Journal