Transaction Record Analysis using Blockchain Technology in Electronic Healthcare and Medicine
Blockchain technology has gained attention due to its numerous applications, from, financial services, data management, cyber security, data analysis, etc. as it delivers secure and safe management of data in health care. The current healthcare sector can improve by implying blockchain technology as it promises privacy, confidentiality, security, and a decentralized system. EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems face problems regarding counter field drugs, data tempering, data integrity, management, and security. In this work, a prototype is proposed that will use blockchain technology to enhance the HER systems which can become a solution to these problems. This system can provide immutable logs and easily accessible medical information to the patient and can manage accountability, authentication, confidentiality, and data sharing with the
Consortium-Hyperledger blockchain framework that is connected to the cloud. Moreover, this system also solves the biggest disadvantage of blockchain technology i.e., storage and scalability by using a cloud that helps in storing the data in the off-chain.
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